Crocheting for a Cause

by - August 09, 2023

You can still get a chance at receiving one of these little guys by filling out this form.

Before I have mentioned the wonderful beginner friendly book for Whimsical Stitches. 

By this time I was getting quite good at making little balls thanks to this book. Most crochet patterns seem to start with roughly this shape if you want to make toys! 

It was still covid and we were still going in and out of the office as new mini breakouts happened. Our work place was pretty awesome with the freebies. We got lots of activities planned online to keep the social scene going, lots of take out vouchers, and even little care packages. 

One of many little goodie bags that were sent to our doorstep from work.

There were a few members at work who were really on the ball for looking after the teams mental health. Shout out here to my dear friend Sam Sinclair who really helped me out loads when I first started there! It was through our fantastic Ops team we got little care packages of tea, biscuits and other pampered awesomeness (I still gloat about my home spa kit I received once). These might not seem terribly exciting to some but these little reminders in the post to look after yourself and take a moment to sit back and just be were well received!

Another superstar individual was the lovely Sarah Hammond,  Sarah had this fantastic idea to do a subscription box for mental health. In fact she launched the Better Brain Campaign! and was gathering all sorts of bits and pieces to put into this box. Mental Health advice, journaling prompts, emergency tea and chocolate. You name it! 

I wanted to help, I thought it was a great idea. But what could I do? CROCHET OF COURSE! We came up with the idea of cute little crochet stress balls. I was inspired by the above book and went to work. The plan was to start with 50 boxes and see how it went from there. 50 little stress balls was a lot for me at the time so I hooked in my friend Naomi to help. She also thought these boxes were a fab idea. 

We started off making a variety to keep ourselves entertained. Little coffee mugs, cupcakes, blueberries, strawberries. All from this amazing little book. Naomi also did a lot of experimentation as she was using up old yarn she had laying around. She also had this ingenious idea of eco friendly stuffing and used beans and shells. For a stress ball this makes a great texture to play with. 

In the end we pulled together 50 little stress balls with a variety of styles, colours, shapes, sizes, textures. They went down great and we passed these over to Sarah to put in her initial run for Better Brain Boxes. 

To this day I get people telling me they received one and we try to figure out who made the stress ball. 

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