July 2020 Spread
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July marks the half way point of the year. For me it's a clear slate after all the stress of finishing my degree. I hadn't even set any more goals in my Future Log in my journal! Therefore, I really wanted my July spread to be a little different.
Sunflowers are my theme for July!
They are bright, big and colourful and inspire a lot of joy.
They are bright, big and colourful and inspire a lot of joy.
I dug out my old Gouache set and painted a little field scene on some watercolour paper. Cutting this out and placed it where I usually have a dutch door design in my journal. I figure the heavy paper will be enough to indicate where the new month starts! Couldn't find the double sided tape so fancy washi tape to the rescue!.
Using my newly acquired Cricut Explorer Air 2 meant getting to experiment with cutting out pretty text for the "July" and sticking it down with humble PVA glue. The bread and butter of any art-attack.
I love how this introduction page turned out and want to keep up this little feature painting for each month!
Using my newly acquired Cricut Explorer Air 2 meant getting to experiment with cutting out pretty text for the "July" and sticking it down with humble PVA glue. The bread and butter of any art-attack.
I love how this introduction page turned out and want to keep up this little feature painting for each month!
I've been wanting to design sticker sheets since last summer. Finally I designed my own set for my bullet journal. I experimented with the sizing and colour and it took a while to get everything calibrated correctly. You will be able to find this set on my Etsy Store which includes a whopping 45 stickers to decorate you're spread with!
I've enjoyed a structured and boxy layout to my bullet journal. Meticulously going through and allocated pages so I can fit an entire year in one book. This meant sometimes a spread was 1.5 weeks. It got a little confusing! This time round I want to have my weekend very clear and separate from the rest of the week by creating a double box on it's own page.

I've enjoyed a structured and boxy layout to my bullet journal. Meticulously going through and allocated pages so I can fit an entire year in one book. This meant sometimes a spread was 1.5 weeks. It got a little confusing! This time round I want to have my weekend very clear and separate from the rest of the week by creating a double box on it's own page.

My initial couple of weeks for the month were created with some dud stickers which were too large or off centred. However after finally getting it right, check out how pretty a spread I can make with these! I especially love the goals flowers where I can continue using my 3 line fill in method when I achieve a weekly goal!

Here's a slight variation of the layout. I really love having the weekend dates off centred so they stand out and don't feel as rigid as the weekdays! Not pictured here but in another spread too I really liked using the grassy sticker on my Friday to indicate the end of the week and time for some down time!
One thing I would really like to incorporate into my spreads is some personal positive affirmations perhaps on a weekly basis. This helps keep the mind positive and motivation strong! Sometimes we get caught up in the negativity and stress and writing down the things we are proud of, are grateful for and love really help put things in perspective when we are feeling low.
How do you layout your journals? How have you been staying positive and motivated during these tough times?
One thing I would really like to incorporate into my spreads is some personal positive affirmations perhaps on a weekly basis. This helps keep the mind positive and motivation strong! Sometimes we get caught up in the negativity and stress and writing down the things we are proud of, are grateful for and love really help put things in perspective when we are feeling low.
How do you layout your journals? How have you been staying positive and motivated during these tough times?